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We use these cookies

This website uses cookies that remember your preferences and make navigation on dutchorganics.nl easier. With these cookies we can analyze the behavior of visitors and improve our website. In addition, third parties such as Google Analytics also place cookies for data collection purposes to improve the website dutchorganics.nl.

Below you can read more about what cookies are and which cookies we use

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files. These small text files remember your surfing behavior and this is stored on your computer. You can find the cookies in the temporary internet files folder. Your browser checks when a website is visited if these files are there and if so, what your settings are.

Cookies provide Dutch Organics with insight into how you use our website. This allows us to improve our website and ensure that you receive more relevant information. We also use the cookies for marketing purposes.

We can use the cookies that we collect for the following purposes:

  • Analytical purposes: To analyze and improve the use of the Dutch Organics website.
  • Social media purposes: To share information that relates to you via various social media channels.
  • Promotional purposes: To make offers that are relevant outside the website of Dutch Organics (dutchorganics.nl). The offers are linked to the services of Dutch Organics and are personalized based on your behavior on our website, such as the pages viewed.

When the cookies are turned off, the experience and functioning of Dutch Organics's website can be disappointing.

Which cookies does Dutch Organics use?

At Dutch Organics we use the following cookies:

  • Google Analytics

Other / unforseen cookies

Because of the way the internet and websites work, it may be the case that we do not always have insight into the cookies that third parties place through our website. This is especially the case if our web pages contain so-called embedded elements; these are texts, documents, pictures or films that are stored with another party, but which are shown on, in or via our website.

If you encounter cookies on dutchorganics.nl that fall into this category and which we have therefore not mentioned above, please let us know. You can also contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they place, what the reason for this is, what the lifespan of the cookie is and in which way they have safeguarded your privacy.

Removing and refusing cookies

You can delete already placed cookies via the browser settings of your browser. You can also refuse to have new cookies placed here. The way you have to do this differs per browser. If necessary, you can consult the help function of your browser. Disabling the cookies has consequences for the computer and the browser in question on which you select this setting.

Changes in the statement

Dutch Organics reserves the right to make changes to this statement. We advise you to consult this statement regularly so that you are always aware of the contents.

This statement was last modified on 28-06-2023.